Sound Doctrine by Rev. Rick Fraley    10/1/2012 


  Some people may wonder why we preach so hard. It is our goal to get people saved so they will go to heaven. I would rather have an honest preacher that teaches me right from wrong than to have someone tell me what I want to hear and end up spending eternity in hell. The Bible speaks in 2 Timothy 4:03 For the time will come when they will not ensure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. verse 4, And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. Now lets break these two verses down. Here we find the words sound doctrine. The definition of sound is having no defect as to truth, justice, wisdom, or reason. And doctrine as a body or system of teachings relating to a particular subject. So this sound doctrine is true teachings, just teachings, teaching with wisdom and reasonable teaching. Now this is what the preachers are suppose to be preaching and teaching. These preachers are the ones that are worried about your soul. These are the preachers that love you more than your money. I tell people in our church that I am not here for your money, I am here to get you to heaven. I do not want anyone's blood on my hands because I did not stand on the word of God. The part where people will heap teachers, having itching ears. This describes a person who seeks out messages that please them and fit their lifestyle. Opposed to seeking a truth that might make them uncomfortable. I sure don't need any preachers like this. I want someone who is honest with me and teach me the truth no matter how hard it is or how uncomfortable it makes me feel. We have a saying in out church,"the preacher really stepped on my toes tonight', but I'm sure hell is going to be be really uncomfortable. Verse 4 says that people will turn away from the truth and be turned unto fables. Now a fable is a story not founded on fact. And by not being a fact means that it cannot be backed up by the Bible. There are a lot of preachers out there today teaching people fables that make them feel good. Tell them if you join our church and give us some money, you will gain great wealth. Or tell you it doesn't matter how you live your life as long as you come to church every Sunday, you will be alright. These preachers are telling you a lie, They are more interested in your money than your souls. Now I am not saying that it is wrong to support your church, you will be blessed, but if your preacher is holding back on teaching you the truth because he is afraid to lose your money then he is wrong. 

     We find in the Bible where people were not wanting sound doctrine because it went against their beliefs. We find in the Book of Acts, where the pharisees (religious group during apostles time) were feeling uncomfortable with the teachings of Peter and some of the apostles. In Acts 5:28 The pharisees told Peter and the apostles Saying, Did not we straitly command that ye should not teach in this name? and behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this man's blood upon us. These where the same pharisees that had put Jesus to death and nailed him to the cross. This doctrine was making them feel real uncomfortable. But in the next verse we find Peter speaking, verse 29; then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. This saying that they would obey God no matter what they were told. This is what we need to hear today. We need to obey God. Jesus is where your salvation is at. If men preach you what you want t hear and it is wrong, what good will come from it. It may make you feel better about yourself for now, but what happens when you stand before judgement. The Bible actually speaks against those that preach  anything different that what the apostles preached. The Bible says in Galatians 1:08 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. This was the apostle Paul speaking, he stated that if he was to preach anything different than what he had preached or even an angel preach anything different, let them be accursed. I definitely don't want to be accursed. And I would hate to be in the shoes of one that followed an accursed preacher. This is why it is so important for me to preach you the truth. I want to see you in heaven.  I want to obey God. Let's say a prayer, Dear Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus help us that we will always be found doing your will. Help us to always seek the truth. Lord, help us as we travel down this road of life and give us strength. Help us that we will be able to endure the sound doctrine you speak in your word. And Lord I ask as a preacher that you will give me wisdom and understanding of your Word that I may be able to deliver your Word and explain it to the people so they can understand what you will have us do. Dear Lord, open the doors for us to be able to spread the word, whether it be in the church, on Facebook, you tube or whatever the venue, help us get the word out. Lord Jesus, I sincerely appreciate the opportunity you have given me to speak your word and your truth. Help us all to live the life you would have us live. I ask all in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Please continue to pray for us as we continue to spread the word of God.