Our Mission

We want to help lead people to Jesus Christ, our Saviour. We welcome everyone to our church and invite you to visit us on our Website and on our Facebook page. We hope you feel welcome We are truly living in the last days. That is why it is so important to get God's Word out to the people. We hope we can touch someone and make their journey through this life a little easier and give assurance of a better place where we are going. 

Jesus is God Holiness Church Services

Archive Church Services are posted under the Audio Clips and Videos at top. Hope you get a blessing from these. Keep us in your prayers as we continue to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Today's broadcast 10/4/2012. Pastor Bob Fraley preached about the 3 False Doctrines being preached to the world today. Hope you enjoy. Any comments please visit the Facebook Page. God Bless You All

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